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Data used in this report and in the Performance Data Tables were collected through multiple processes, including, but not limited to, information management systems, direct monitoring and sampling, engineering estimates, and material balances.

Starting in 2020, additional greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy consumption data have been included due to changes in reporting practices to align with international standards. A full GRI Content Index is available on our website which covers all required disclosures, including those not contained in this report. Any restatements of data from prior years have been detailed in the GRI Content Index. Data that is reported on an equity basis represents wholly owned operations and the equity stake for plants where Chevron Phillips Chemical has only partial equity ownership and CPChem employees participate in the operations and/or management of the facilities.

This report, additional information and previous reports can be found at This report does not include all required GRI disclosures. A full GRI Content Index is available on our website. We would love to hear your questions and comments at

Data Collection

Our 2020 Sustainability Report, Progress Through Transformation,

aims to communicate a transparent account of Chevron Phillips

Chemical’s (CPChem) sustainable growth business strategy, operations

and progress in areas deemed significant by our stakeholders.

This Report

This report includes information on wholly owned operations as well as joint venture operations. Where indicated, some data or management approaches for specific topics may only be provided for wholly owned operations.

New disclosures have been included in this report to continue to improve the quality and transparency of the reported information. This report does not include all required GRI disclosures. A full GRI Content Index is available on our website. Performance data provided in the report are contextualized in this index.

This is the tenth publication of CPChem’s sustainability report. CPChem’s reporting has
aligned with the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) since its first report in 2011. Information in this report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option. Performance Data Tables can be found at the end of this report which detail our social, economic and environmental performance of the last five years.

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People in nature, Natural landscape, Gesture, Happy, Travel


Empowering People

Transforming Our Performance

Protecting Our Planet

Performance Data Tables

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Material property, Rectangle