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Product Sustainability and Circularity

Global issues like climate change and resource scarcity have energized us to design novel solutions that improve the lifecycle of our products, minimize impacts and generate value from plastic waste.

Click on the video to see how advanced recycling can breathe a new life into plastic waste — again, and again, and again.

We have begun efforts to perform Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) of our products’ full life cycles to measure their impacts. CPChem is also exploring opportunities to conduct Product Sustainability Assessments through a multi-faceted approach to assess potential environmental, social and financial impacts. Comprehensive assessments like these will support our ability to optimize our product portfolio by identifying strengths, measuring product risks and uncovering opportunities for sustainable innovation.

CPChem made remarkable headway toward a circular economy for plastics in 2020 by producing the company’s first circular polymer through its advanced recycling program. Advanced recycling, sometimes referred to as "chemical recycling," converts plastic waste to valuable liquids that can become new petrochemicals.

This approach complements traditional recycling by converting a range of materials, including many difficult-to-recycle plastics, into important building blocks for new chemicals.

Accelerating Circularity with Advanced Recycling

Our products serve as foundational building blocks to support a sustainable future. 

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What is advanced recycling? 

Material property, Blue, Azure, Aqua


Empowering People

Protecting Our Planet

Transforming Our Performance

Performance Data Tables

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Material property, Rectangle
Material property, Rectangle
Transforming our products

Transforming our products