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Speaking Out
Against Racism

We created a digital library of materials for all employees, organizing tools and resources that foster self-awareness and allow for productive conversations regarding race, both at work and at home. Employees can read articles and peer-reviewed literature, hear compelling perspectives of people like civil rights leader Congressman John Robert Lewis, and access a database of suggested documentaries that aim to build awareness of the challenges and ramifications of racism in America.

Employees are encouraged to take advantage of CPChem’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which provides resources and extra support for balancing added stresses to work and home life caused by social unrest. The EAP is a free program for employees that provides confidential support and work/life services, including free counseling.

We wanted to hear directly from our employees of color about their CPChem experiences and where we may have opportunities to improve, specifically regarding race and ethnicity. Focus group sessions were held with employees representing various functions and U.S. site locations across the company. Feedback provided during these sessions is helping to shape specific actions that make up our D&I strategy. At the center of that strategy is a commitment to ensure equity of access to development and career opportunities for all employees.

CPChem engaged a nationally recognized D&I consultant, Denise Hamilton, founder and CEO of Watch Her Work, to assist our organization through conversations about race and injustice. Using D&I best practices and hosting an engaging live forum for employees featuring CPChem leadership has created a pathway to help us become more comfortable having uncomfortable conversations. Leveraging input from experts is one of several resources in our toolbox to empower employees to understand differences, engage in open conversations, resolve conflict and become better allies.

Creating a Library of Resources


Assistance and Support 


Listening to Our Employees

Leveraging Input from Experts


The historic social issues and events of 2020 exposed the unacceptable and
lingering presence of racism in society.

We recognize, encourage and celebrate diversity by delivering comprehensive D&I programs, addressing gender and racial equity, and continuing the conversation about social issues that influence the lives of our people and the communities where we work.

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Empowering People

Performance Data Tables

Transforming Our Performance

Protecting Our Planet

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Material property, Rectangle
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